Ten on Tuesday: Feel Like a Kid Edition

Carole asked for Ten Ways to Feel Like a Kid Again. I don’t know about you, but summer makes that an easy endeavor for me!

1. Hoola hoop! I spend a lot of time planted in a chair during the summer, busy with writing and planning for fall. One of the ways I balance multiple projects is to take short breaks, and hooping is the best kind of break.

2. Wash the car with your garden hose. Then spray other people with it (the hose, not the car!).

3. Put out a blanket, stretch out, and imagine what shapes you see in the clouds.

4. Chase down the Ding Dong Cart*.

5. Ride a bike with pedal brakes. Seriously, I feel like I’m ten every time I mount my Kona Africa Bike.

Farmer's Market Bike Ride

6. Play frisbee. I’ve been trying to teach Maddie to catch a frisbee. The game, though, is that I throw it, she picks it up when it lands, then she tries to get me to chase her. Still, it makes me laugh.

7. Swap some friendship bracelets (anyone want to do this again this year?).

8. Spend an entire day outside reading a fantastic book you loved as a kid. When I could get away with it, after swimming lessons, I’d climb a tree or hide in the field behind my house and read, read, read until I heard the call for dinner.

9. Get in some water. I prefer the ocean, but I’ll take what I can get. Water, without fail, makes me feel like a kid. Maybe it was all those years spent in swimming lessons and synchronized swimming?

10. Take a roadtrip. Or at least pretend to take one!

* This spring I asked around on Facebook to see what others call ice cream trucks. Apparently the Ding Dong Cart is a Western MA company. I’ve always used the term, universally, for any ice cream truck, but who knew? It’s a regional thing!

11 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday: Feel Like a Kid Edition”

  1. I have never heard of the Ding Dong Cart, we always called it the ice cream man. I heard of a cruel trick, though, where some parents told their children that the music playing meant he was OUT of ice cream. Isn’t that appalling?

  2. Great list, Beverly! I love the idea of a friendship bracelet swap. I’ve been playing with some more refined styles for the summer with actual clasps. But some fun tie-on ones would be fun too. I’ve been on a big bracelet kick since all my rings are much too big to even wear on my thumbs and there is no point in resizing until I’m at goal.

  3. My brother-in-law told his boys that the bell on the Good Humor man’s truck was the signal that the dogcatcher was coming. So they would go and hide with the dog in the house or the back yard.

    I don’t think it fooled them for long. They were pretty smart kids.

  4. I have never heard of the Ding Dong truck. Sounds like a truck that might pick up a couple of my co-workers.

    I need to get myself an adult sized hoola hoop!

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