If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. (17th c. proverb)

Still, it doesn’t hurt to wish now and again, and Carole asked me to share Ten Things I Wish I Liked.
1. Fish. To eat. I think they are neat alive, but I’ve never acquired a taste for them. It would be good for my brain to eat them, but even as I write that, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be willing to be a pescatarian. I’m just thinking that my brain would benefit from a bit of grilled salmon now and again.
2. Coconut. The texture of flaked coconut turns me off. It looks pretty, though.
3. Reading autobiographies. I’ve enjoyed plenty memoirs, yet autobiographies often bore me. I’m going to tender a guess that memoirists concern themselves with the craft of writing a bit more, but maybe that’s just a sweeping generalization.
4. Moss stitch. It looks so nice, doesn’t it? Maybe I should give it a try now that I knit English. Perhaps it is only a pain to knit in Continental.
5. Group exercise classes. I’m more of a loner when it comes to working out. Some variety might be nice, I suppose (hear the dragging of my feet?)
6. Mud. Or, more precisely, mud season. If I liked it, I could anticipate instead of dreading it. Once we build our mud room, I’ll be better equipped to handle it, and I may end up not minding it. That would be an improvement, right?
7. Driving. I’d be so much happier if I could take public transportation every where I go. I do okay driving, but it brings me no pleasure, other than as a means to an end.
8. Heights. The things I would see if I were not so scared of heights! I may look collected in that photo taken from tour Eiffel; inside I was wondering how quickly I could get back on the ground.
9. Insects. Some of them are like little jewels. If I liked them better, I might enjoy their beauty more instead of feeling creeped out by them. Heaven knows, my neck of the woods abounds with insects. Plenty of opportunity to learn to like them?
10. Cleaning the tub. I love to take baths; I hate getting the tub clean so I can do so.
What do you wish you liked?
Ooo – heights and insects. I left those off my list. There are a lot of things I don’t do because of those two things. Can I add snakes to that too?
Great list!
Exercise is the number one thing I wish I liked and I’m actively working on changing my attitude towards it. I do love fish, though!
Love fish and have actively relocated spiders for the last three or four years to make myself not be so afraid…but I am so with you on the heights thing!
Great list! Happy ToT!
I hate cleaning the bathtub as well…actually the whole bathroom. I just get my hubby to do it.
That is a good list! Until I started reading everyone’s I was stuck as food was the only thing that came to mind and there are very few foods I dislike if they are prepared properly.
knitting swatches
fish ( i only like a very few, and they can’t be fishy)
short short nails
to work out
going without sleep!!!
dusting…dusting …dusting…
diet pop
flying in an airplane
Chocolate (yes I know I’m the only one)
Foundation make-up
Shopping malls, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc
Fancy restaurants (too much effort/expectations just to eat dinner)
Wine (hate wine, but love a good crisp cold lager)
These lists are so much fun to read! I HATE cleaning the tub. . .
Beans. Us Orthodox Christians fast, especially during Lent, and beans are a regular part of the meals. I just hate the texture of beans. I can tolerate chickpeas especially as it is used for hummus, but that’s about it.