When Carole told me this week’s ToT topic (Best Beach Tunes), I said I was going to fantasize that I had a convertible. Come along, then, in my cool topless car as we cruise to the beach. Here’s what is playing:
1. Barbara Ann. All Beach Boys music is good for the beach, but this song, named after my mom, is my fave.
2. Venus. Bananarama’s smash hit from the 80s sounds best at high volume.
3. Margaritaville. It’s not the beach without a little Jimmy Buffett
4. I Shot the Sheriff. Bob Marley is perfect for the beach.
5. My Favorite Things. Don’t you love a glass of cold wine and some Coltrane while the sun sets and the salt air tangles your hair?
6. Dream. Priscilla Ahn’s lovely voice suits a rainy beach day.
7. DaDoRunRun. Shaun Cassidy was my first crush, and if I’m riding along the beach in my convertible, I don’t think there is any reason not to continue the fantasy with his tune on the stereo!
8. Secret Agent Man. I love me some Dick Dale, but if I’m listening to surf guitar at the beach, it’s Johnny Rivers I want!
9. Minnie the Mermaid. One of the many musicians who used to couch surf at my apartment in Westchester used to sing this to me. I love it. Such a fun sing-along song, great for bonfires at the beach!
10. Brandy. My all-time favorite song is perfect for feeling a little melancholy at the beach.
What makes your list of beach songs?
Wasn’t Brandy on your one hit wonder list? It really is a great song! A great list, but my favorite has to be Venus, I’d forgotten all about Bananarama!
ooohhh, LOVE the coltrane – jazz and a glass of wine go so well with a pretty beach sunset!
I had my first crush on Donny Osmond but Shaun Cassidy followed right behind. And yay for including Jimmy!
Brandy – will always make me think of my Mom and summers camping at the Cape. Great list Bev!
Bob Marley and John Coltrane (with a little Miles thrown in) and I’d be in heaven on the beach (or anywhere else!).
My one experience with Shaun (my kid sisters crush) wasn’t good. That’s a memory I don’t need.