Rainbow Connection

42nd Street Rainbow

Yesterday I journeyed to my favorite city with Sara to keep her company as she attended to paperwork needed for her marriage in and move to France. It was a busy afternoon, which ended with a quick rainstorm as we headed to Port Authority. When I saw dozens and dozens of New Yorkers looking at the sky, I turned and looked, too.

Perhaps I saw this rainbow to remind me that even when we are an ocean apart, my dear friend and I will always be connected.

7 thoughts on “Rainbow Connection”

  1. Having been on the other end of leaving, I know exactly what you mean. It’s not easy to leave, but it also isn’t easy to let someone go either.

  2. That’s a great rainbow shot and they are hard to capture. I’m glad you got that special blessing on a day that must have been bittersweet for you.

  3. Yes, it was quite appropriate! Thank you so much for being my guide. I can’t even tell you how much I’m going to miss you!! But I’m hoping that Paris will quickly become one of your favorite cities!

  4. What a lovely scene. And of course it got me singing the song, which I am sure will ear-worm me for at least a week!

    And now you have even more of a reason to keep your passport updated!

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