Ten on Tuesday, Outdoors Edition

Isn’t it so nice to open the door and run around outside without first needing to put on layers, coats, mittens, boots?  While I have some spring allergies, I still enjoy playing outside.  Here’s my list of Ten Things to Do Outdoors.

1. Hike. I live across from a big wildlife reserve (meaning lots of acreage, not large wildlife, although I do see bear tracks), and I spend a lot of time in it with the mutts.

2. Garden. I’m more of a veggie gardener (still learning so much!), and Neal is more of a flower gardener. Both mean lots of outdoors time!

3. Kayak. I enjoy being on the water. It’s super fun to watch birds, beavers, and other critters from my boat.

4. Bike. Probably my favorite warm-weather activity!

5. Nap. Once my allergy season is over, there is little more pleasant to me than spreading a quilt under the weeping cherry and hiding out from the world. I bring a book, but I usually fall right to sleep.  Wouldn’t a hammock be even better?

6. Spin. I’m not sure why, but I prefer spinning on the deck to spinning inside, which means that I do way more spinning in the warm weather than any other time of year!

7. Hang laundry. Not much is better than sleeping in sheets fresh from the laundry line. After the pollen has settled down, of course. The sight of laundry flapping in the breezy sunshine makes me happy!

8. Paint. This time of year is perfect for pulling out my watercolors, setting up in front of a pretty plant, and painting.

9. Eat. Why is eating outdoors so much better than eating indoors? I don’t know, but it can’t be denied. The season for outdoor dining is so much shorter in New England than in New Mexico, which is one of many reasons I miss Albuquerque!

10. Knit. Of course! Gather some pals, or put on an audio book, and enjoy the fresh air.

9 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday, Outdoors Edition”

  1. Outside laundry is the best.
    SPinning outside is a fun theory. I wonder why it is more fun???
    Eating al fresco is the best.
    I too am going back to the garden this summer. Just bought our little cherry tomatoes yesterday . Uncle Jo’s Black Cherry tomatoes…we’ll see!

  2. Oh how nice to nap outside. the mosquitoes would carry you away here in GA. I can remember sleeping in a hammock at the beach when I was a child. Nice memories.

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