During the snowy days of January, I cheered myself up by thinking of spring and creating a hairpin lace pattern for the fabulous CraftSanity Magazine. Want to see?
I am crazy about this magazine. I pored over Issue 1 for hours and hours, and I can’t wait to spend lots of time with Issue 2. So many neat projects inside:
Would you like a chance to win a copy for yourself? How about if Jennifer and I throw in a skein of Koigu, the yarn used for the Picnic Mitts pattern (Rav link)?
Of course you’d like that! Who wouldn’t? Here are the ways to enter:
1. Leave a comment sharing what your favorite picnic item is (links to recipes are always welcome!).
2. Post about the contest on your blog and leave a comment here telling me you did so, with a link to the post.
3. Tweet about the contest with my user name (@pomogolightly) and a link to the blog. No more than one tweet per hour, please!
4. Post about the contest on FaceBook with a link to this post, and leave a comment here.
If there are over 50 comments, I’ll add another prize (yes, I’m stealing Jessalu’s contest rules!), so be sure to tell your friends! The winner will be selected by random generator at 5:00 on Wednesday.
I want to be more crafty (in all of my “free time” lol), so I would love this magazine for inspiration!
My favorite picnic item would be salad! I particularly love this apple & spinach salad I make with a honey mustard dressing – I make this for special occasions, too! (recipe, here: http://www.theeducatedlife.com/2010/11/foodie-friday-celebration-salad.html)
I posted on twitter!
I posted on Facebook!
Amazingly, I remembered my twitter login! I think this may be my first tweet! All done. And you know how I LOVE crafty magazines! http://ktbird8.wordpress.com/2011/03/14/long-time-no-post/
As for my favorite picnic item, it has to be watermelon, no recipe needed. Just slice, bite, spit, and repeat. Doesn’t get much better than that!
When I go on a picnic I am all about old-fashioned so I bring fried chicken and potato salad! Love the mitts!
My favorite picnic item is::: Fried chicken from Popeyes or Browns Fried Chicken. Cannot be beat….
I posted about your contest at my little blog: irisheyesknitters.blogspot.com
Great prizes fun contest.
No picnic is complete without lemonade!
I was sent from irisheyesknitters’ blog.
I just got my copy in the mail today! So exciting to see your pattern in print! So I decided not to be greedy this time. But I’m going to post the contest on FB
The winner is in for a treat!!
If I were to go on a picnic (it’s been years), I would want watermelon and rollkuchen (http://bit.ly/guvtPe).
I noticed those lovies on your Flickr stream via Facebook I think. I evidently have been under a rock as I hadn’t heard of CraftSanity. Go figure!
I cannot go on a picnic without my camera! All the good food and sights – you just have to capture them to feed your winter dreams of spring picnics
Favorite picnic item has to be deviled eggs and sweet tea. I just love them both!
I tweeted your contest
My favorite picnic items/meal consists of a bottle of wine, a baguette, cheese, salami or dry sausage all shared with my husband.
My favorite picnic item would be the wine!
Found my way here from the Craftsanity blog. I’d love to try hairpin lace again!
My favorite picnic item has to be Orikaso folding bowls! I carry these in my diaper bag/purse just in case there’s a chance to eat outdoors. http://www.orikaso.com/
I couldn’t think of picnic food so I just asked my husband. His response: little buns, deviled eggs, balogna and potato salad. It took him about 3 seconds to decide. Too funny. Can’t wait to see your pattern in the magazine.
My favorite picnic items are good quality cheese and pepper water crackers along with some in-season fruit. Yum!
My favorite item when I have gone on picnics. Is whatever craft I am working on at that time. Food would be chicken .
I have always admired hairpin lace. But never been able to get it together . I always get tangled up when trying.
Love the picnic mitts
Coming over from Jennifer’s blog. My favorite picnic item would be cold watermelon! Perfect for a hot summer day.
My favorite picnic item unfortunately doesn’t have a recipe. I can’t imagine a picnic without a bright bottle of Riesling =)
My favorite picnic item is fried chicken.
We don’t get to do picnics very often, but when we do, we like ‘kid friendly’ finger foods!
Popping over from Craft Sanity…
I’m always up for learning a new craft! I was intrigued after seeing the the sneak peak of the second issue of Jennifer’s magazine.
My favorite picnic item is fruit salad.
Oh, love this magazine and your mitts look great! My favorite picnic item? Has to be watermelon. No plates, bowls or utensils needed! Oh but cold fried chicken legs on a picnic are always good too. Ha! I go old school picnic!
My favorite picnic item is cheese & crackers. So simple, but somehow it tastes better outdoors!
I love to do finger foods for my picnics, along with some fine wine. Some of my favorite finger foods would be dill dip and veggies, tortilla roll-ups, cubed cheeses and perhaps a varity of crackers. And for dessert, crescent cheese cake because it too can be eaten with the fingers.
Favorite picnic item? Oriental slaw salad! (Didn’t think iced tea counted…) Keeping my fingers crossed the RNG is good to me!
I love my vintage picnic basket! I know it’s isn’t quite what you mean but it is the coolest thing ever and it makes me smile. My kids and I travel out in the back 40 (sometimes in the middle of the sheep’s pasture) with our basket and feel like we are in a new world.
My favorite picnic item is deviled eggs, still cold from the ice chest. Yum!
This giveaway may be over (I’m not sure which “Wednesday” you mean), but I posted a link to the giveaway on my FB!
Thanks, Deb