Ten on Tuesday, Nightstand Edition

Today's Ten on Tuesday is a list of things on my nightstand:

1.  Lamp.  I don't love this lamp, but I haven't found anything I like better.

2.  Coaster. Can't see it in the picture, but it has a fun, free-hand design.  I purchased it at a pottery show in Cold Spring, NY in 2000.  Lots of cups of coffee and glasses of water have spent time on it.

3.  Bottle of vitamin E oil. Until recently I have always had strong nails.  I keep my nails really short; I admire long nails on other women, but I've never learned to function efficiently with them.  Even with my nails short, though,in the last six months or so, they have been splitting like crazy.  When I bemoaned this on Twitter, Amy told me that it was probably just age (she was nice about it, but, still.  Oh, the vanity!).   I read up all I could about splitting nails and came away more confused.  My girl Cheryl recommended that I start brushing them with vitamin E oil daily, and while there are still some peeling and splitting issues, my nails have improved. (Gee, should this have been on last week's list?)

4.  Kindle.  My book club met on Sunday to re-assess our loosey-goosey system of selecting books and of meeting.  We put together our list of books to read between now and January 2012.  As soon as I arrived home, I re-charged the Kindle (seen in the top-flip m-edge green cover.  *love*), downloaded a few of the books, and started reading.

5. Mohonk Mountain House pictures.  When we arrived at Mohonk for our honeymoon, there was a gift on the mantle: a little MMH frame with pictures of the beautiful resort.  I've kept it next to the bed ever since.

6.  Notebook and pen. Lists, ideas.  Whatever.  I don't trust my memory.  I need a place to write things down, especially as I drift off at night.

7.  Life Before Death by Abby Frucht. I started it last week.  The narrator's voice is funny, and I think it will be a quick read. My pal Amy, a voracious and strong reader, recommended this to me a while ago.

8.  Confederates in the Attic by Tony Horwitz.  I read about half of this over the summer and either need to give it back to Teri or finish it! The writing is great; it's just not a subject that holds my interest.  I do feel I better understand the hold the Civil War has on people, though.

9.  John Scheepers bulb catalog.  When I don't want to read, but I need something to occupy my mind, I look at the pretty pictures and dream of spring.  Of course, it isn't the spring I'll have since I never ordered or planted bulbs this fall.

10.  Lavender massage oil. Lavender is one of my favorite scents (reminds me, among other things, of one of the prettiest places in Albuquerque), and this oil is great.

What's on your nightstand?

13 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday, Nightstand Edition”

  1. I wish my nightstand looked so organized! I really like the idea of lavender oil on the bedside. may have to try that! Visiting from Ten on Tuesday!

  2. Bulbs! Now I will dream of spring. Much of what’s on my table is a derivation of what’s on yours, but I only have one book (Love in the Time of Cholera). A few issues of The New Yorker and my computer are on the floor at the foot of the table…does that count?

  3. your table is so big…and so neat! love the books and thank you for the vitamin E oil tip (because I’d hate to think it’s just age 🙂

  4. I like your idea about the notepad – I should keep one with me at ALL times. I read “Confederates In the Attic” in one day. Love Tony Horwitz, but am also a family history nut, and the Civil War (both sides) figures prominently in all my family lines. I was also kinda of amazed at the people in that book and that it was nonfiction.

  5. ah ha! well, the Kindle, the lamp, the coaster, the clock radio, and each night a water bottle. Now I have a drawer in my nighttable so I have lots of stuff tucked in that drawer(reading glasses, ear plugs, chapstick, bookmarks, ad nauseaum). Fun post..

  6. Oh, your nightstand looks so pretty! I was just lamenting last night how cluttered my nightstand is. I have a lamp, an old radio alarm clock (I think it might be time for a new, smaller one), a book called “Simplicity Parenting” that I’ve just started, a small basket that holds a bunch of random stuff, and an old coaster that is painted to look like a watermelon, but it’s falling apart. Oh, and I have a small dish that my best friend gave me for Christmas that currently holds a rock with smiley face on it and some plastic bracelets that my daughter likes to play with. Too much stuff, it needs to get cleared off!

  7. Ah, that M-Edge Kindle cover! Thanks for the recommendation as I love mine too 🙂
    That is interesting about the Vitamin E oil. Maybe I should add some of that to my DIY cuticle oil. The recipe I used called for mostly castor oil, but I’d prefer using something else.

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