Ten on Tuesday, Intentions Edition

Today's list is Ten Intentions for 2011.  I am glad Carole didn't use the word "resolutions".  When I resolve to do or not do things, I fail.  A lot.  I'm going to take up her word "intention" and have a more mindful attitude about the changes I want to make.

1. Revamp my project organization.  Not my knitting projects, silly.  That's what Ravelry is for.  I had a few bursts of creative thinking over the last few months, which have led me to several ideas worth exploring.  I want to be able to keep things straight and give ample time to each project.  This week I'm exploring different organizational methods (beyond my usual to-do list tool): Things, Getting Things Done, and the Action Method.  They are all fairly similar.  My task is to figure out which one makes the most sense to me.

2. Perfect cooking rice.  I don't want to buy a rice cooker (though I know Penny loves hers), and I got a slew of advice via Twitter yesterday.  It's time for me to stop effing up the rice.  I want to feel, deep in my soul, what Amy assured me: it is no harder than cooking pasta.  Please don't judge me on this shortcoming.

3. Take longer bike rides.  In 2010, I got on my bike more frequently.  In 2011, I want to continue that frequent riding (once the weather is warm again!) and build up mileage.  I dream of riding my bike across the country one summer, and building mileage is one way to help me to achieve that dream.

4.  Rekindle my daily writing practice.  Last semester kicked my butt.  My good writing habits went by the wayside.  It is time to get them back, get the never-ending novel finished and move on!

5.  Participate in Christina's Project Define 365.  I'm hoping that I can learn to take better pictures, enjoy connecting words and images, and explore my life all at the same time!

6.  Improve my gardening.  We've roped off a sunnier spot in the front yard for the 2011 garden, and I am going to be much more thoughtful about what I plant.  I tend to lose my head when it comes to buying seeds and plants, and I end up with produce I don't eat (peppers!) and have to find uses for or dump on my neighbors.  This year we're going to implement tactics from Gaia's Garden.

7. Finish some of the knits languishing about.  There are so many projects I want to start, but I must have some discipline.  I must.

8.  Go on a yarn fast.  All of the office cleaning I've been doing in preparation for a big design revamp has made it clear to me that I do not need another skein of yarn.  Sure, I might want it, but for 2011, I'm going to set up some guidelines. 

9.  Participate in another 365 project inspired by Noah Scalin.  I'm hammering out the idea still, but I'm close.  I'm close.

10.  Pare down my clothes.  Project 333 has been fruitful, and I want to build on it.  I plan to participate in the next round, with some modifications to make the project suit me better.  I don't want to go back to a crammed closet, though.  

How about you?  What are some of your intentions for 2011?

13 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday, Intentions Edition”

  1. It really is that easy to cook rice. I cook it just like I cook pasta. I even drain it in a colander. Sometimes I put a little bit of water back in the pan, stick the colander with the rice on top of it and cover it with a towel and let it steam for a few minutes to get extra fluffy.

  2. I just posted mine. I had to think about it really hard. There are things that I know I want to do and others that are right there – on the tip of my brain but they needed a little pushing to get them out into the world.
    Your list is wonderful! It made me think and look at my list as well.

  3. I think intentions are about a state of mind and resolutions are just triggers for failure. I’m glad I’m not alone in my thinking. Your list is wonderful. I always think of you as being so enlightened and your list proves that point but also shows me that even the really really smart people I know need help now and again!

  4. I got my idea for a new years theme from Jasmin of the Knitmore girls.
    I think it’s a nicer way to think about the new year and what it’s going to be about.

  5. inspired list! I’m looking forward to following your 365 project progress – and the minimized wardrobe – I know I wear just a small fraction of what I own and it would be so freeing to have more space in place of the things I don’t wear! funny, too, how the “intentions” resonated with so many of us. the folks who push “resolutions” should get on board!

  6. I love using intentions instead of resolutions. I might borrow that! Tell me more about your Project 333 modifications. I started on my wardrobe for phase 2 but I got frustrated because I can’t find a way to make it work and allow for a few more accessories. My stupid (but necessary) winter gear takes up so many items!

  7. Hello,
    I need to have a think about my intentions for 2011, but I am off for a swim any minute now, so that is one thing accomplished today. I’m also asking for a revised gym programme to work round pregnancy, as I’d asked for lots of sit-ups originally!
    Jamie Oliver has a really good method of cooking rice, I’ll dig it out and email it over.

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