Thank You!

First ski 10-11
Thanks to your generous support, Catherine and her class are closing in on raising the necessary funds to help them to build a classroom in Nicaragua.  You are the best, dear readers!  Thank you! Thank you!

I used a random generator to pick a number…and the winner is… lucky number six: Drew!


Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope you had a great weekend.  We had an adult Christmas (no little kids.  Boo hoo!), and while it was quiet, it was certainly restful.  The big snowstorm yesterday made it easy to relax on Sunday, and since Neal had a furlough day today (who says the state workers don't give back?), we were able to get out for the first cross-country ski adventure of the season.  Neal took this picture of the brook that wends through the woods across the street from our house.  I felt strong skiing, and my spirits were lifted by the beauty around me. 

Did you get snow?  What are you doing to enjoy it? 

3 thoughts on “Thank You!”

  1. This is awesome. Firstly because Catherine and her class are going to be able to build the classroom (the remaining funds WILL come, I am sure) and secondly because I won something. I truly never win anything. This is super exciting!!!! Thank you so much!

  2. We got lots of drifting snow. T plowed and got to work at 11am, the first person in. G and I lounged before going to karate, where his classes became private lessons which was wonderful, and just what he needed!

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