Ten on Tuesday, Football Edition

Oh, boy!  This is a challenging list for me.  Until I lived with Neal, I never lived with a serious sports fan.  When we were dating, I'd drive to CT from NY for a weekend, but I would leave pretty early in the day on Sunday. Until I moved in just before we got engaged, I had NO IDEA that Sunday afternoons and evenings, along with most Monday nights, would be taken over by what must be my least favorite sport: football.  I think I could persuade Neal to return me to my formerly-television-free state if it were not for his love of sports, especially football.  

I've had friends suggest that I join in on some fantasy football fun, but, really, I just want it all to go away.  

However, in the interest of Ten on Tuesday, here's my very best "Reasons to Watch Football" list.  Okay, I'll be honest.  It's my "Reasons Not to Scream when Football is On" list.

1.  Chili.  Football season means the weather is cooling down.  Cooler weather means Neal likes to fiddle in the kitchen on a Sunday morning.  Yesterday's resulting vegetarian (for me) chili was delicious.

2.  Grading.  I can sit in the same room as Neal, headphones on (man, I hate the noise of televised football), and read and grade papers. 

3.  Fires.  Since Neal is likely to be fiddling about between the kitchen and living room most of the day, we can get a nice roaring fire going once the weather is cold enough to warrant it. I know he'll be home long enough to wait for it to go out!

4.  Cars.  I can guilt-free drive to a cafe to grade, drive to meet up with friends to knit, drive to a cafe to write, drive to a movie.  I won't feel like I'm taking away from weekend time together.

5.  Night Games. I like to go to one or two home night games at my University.  Since I think I missed the only one on this season's schedule, I'm hoping our town's new high school football team will play at night.

6. *cricket*

I'm done.  I really tried to think of more reasons, but football is even less my thing than bacon is, I guess!  I enjoy watching some sports–college basketball, for instance–but I can't wrap my head around football.  Even when I go to the occasional night game, it's about snuggling and hot chocolate and laughing more than the game.

How about you?  Do you have a sport you just can't get into?  Are you a football widow like I am?  What do you do to keep from tearing the television from the wall and smashing it on the ground?

11 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday, Football Edition”

  1. I suppose you’ve tried the “if you can’t beat ’em join ’em” approach. In my case I want to watch and enjoy for my own sake as Dale really has very little interest in football. Sorry I keep coming up with topics you find challenging! lol

  2. Soccer. I can’t stand watching soccer. I used to hate football, but Dave brought me to the dark side. Besides, it’s great knitting to. Unless, you know, your husband decides to yell and scream randomly at his team and you get startled and poke yourself in the eye with the knitting needle…because then? It’s not so awesome to knit to…

  3. 7. Tailgating, nothing beats the smell of a Lil Smoky in the parking lot cooking up some burgers and dogs.
    8. Football naps. These came in vogue at our house when I was pregnant and oh so tired during football season. They’ve hung on. Almost as good as a golf nap.
    9. Yarn. Seriously. I found some Lorna’s Laces in NC dyed to match the Carolina Panthers uniforms. If we still went to Panthers games I would have totally bought some!
    10. The halftime show! Whether it’s the Superbowl featuring wardrobe malfunctions or just the college band taking to the field, you have to admit they can be pretty spectacular.
    From a football family, I hope that helps round out your list!

  4. Football is the WORST! It goes on for HOURS.
    Luckily my husband watches soccer – American, as well as leagues in England, Italy, and sometimes Spain. And because of the crazy American winters, soccer is played from spring to fall, and European leagues play from August to spring. So we are talking nearly 12 full months of the sport.
    If my husband was an American football fan I wouldn’t have been attracted to him (there are other deal breakers, but I am picky). I like watching soccer – I played in high school, I understand the strategy and concept of the game, and I get to watch incredibly fit men run around a field for 90 minutes, and if there is a goal, there is a chance their shirts will be ripped off! YAY!
    Luckily, soccer is the only sport my husband watches.

  5. I’m with you. I have zero interest in football and my husband is a huge fan. The only positive about it is that he’s a Jet fan and they are perennial losers so I get to tease him about it a lot.

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