
Last Thursday I went to NYC with Nearly-Not-Blogless Sara and Spring.  Our mission?  Look at pretty things.  The first notions store we hit on Fashion Ave was chock full of lovely button arrangements. Artful, almost, aren't they?  I picked up a big leather button for the Nimbus on my needles, and at the glorious M&J Trimming, I bought three spectacular buttons for a pattern I'm creating.

Our day trip was a blast.  The weather was great, which now that we're in the midst of another heatwave here in CT seems like good fortune.  One last summer hurrah.

Now it's back to campus for me.  I hear this from others who aren't in education, too, but doesn't September feel like a new year?  Not THE New Year, of course, yet it is another opportunity to evaluate and set goals.  I've got a pile for the fall, and as I attempt NaBloPoMo again, I'll share them with you.  

How about you?  Does the onset of the academic year make you long for a sharp pencil and a new notebook, too?

7 thoughts on “Buttons”

  1. YES! I’ve been eying composition books and ball point pens like crazy. (Because I don’t have a store’s inventory worth (all pristine) on my office shelves already). i also want one of those nice double ring notebooks with the light green paper and narrow lines. Hmm…

  2. Love the button picture…my favorite place to hit is called “The Tender Button” on the upper east side near Bloomingdales. It is a small place but has the most wonderful exotic buttons.

  3. Absolutely! I love the start of the new school year. Hannah said the other day that she thinks the reason she wants to be a teacher is so that she will always have a reason to buy new school supplies. Have a great day today!

  4. When all the school supplies come out I wish I was in school. The bags and paper and pencils just make me long for a school room and packed lunches. I still go back to school supply shopping … even though I don’t need it. The new pens and pencils just have to be mine!

  5. Man, when I was little I’d pack and re-pack my book bag for weeks before school started. I’ve only now started to crave new school supplies less in the last couple of years. But my love of stationary things doesn’t allow it to disappear completely.
    I’m jealous at getting to go to M&J Trimming. I can only imagine the hours I could pass in that store 🙂

  6. I can barely get out of M&J with less than a $30 purchase (and an itsy, bitsy bag to show for it). I love, love, love back to school shopping but totally resisted the urge to purchase a notebook for myself since I have a “problem” with them . . . so I bought one for my nephew instead.

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