Rip It. Rip It Good

Thanks for your help in dispersing the Mean Reds yesterday. Today I’m stewing a bit, but I’m no longer angry.

My sewing problems have been resolved! Every now and again, I meet up with a few ladies I met at a knitting class. One of them is a Home Ec teacher at a nearby middle school. I saw her today, and she was kind enough to clarify the pattern instructions that had me befuddled. I think I’ll be all set now!

Isn’t it nice when just the right help comes your way when you need it? Has that happened for you recently?

Rip It. Rip It Good

2 thoughts on “Rip It. Rip It Good”

  1. i actually didn’t comment yesterday (or at least i don’t think i did) because I had the august angries too. but a good friend helped me through it and I’m much happier today!

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