Happy Birthday, Mom

My mom has a fantastic collection of her paper dolls from when she was a girl.  Movie stars with plenty of glamorous outfits to try on and change into.  When I was a child, she would sit with me for hours telling me who the stars were and helping me find the right dresses for the dolls.  

As I celebrate her birthday today, that is just one of a million memories on my mind.  I feel fortunate to have this steel-spined, funny, kind, determined woman in my life. 

(Photo from my wedding day.  Think we like each other?!}

10 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Mom”

  1. Aw. Great photo. I love the “moment” of it. Not like the planned stand next to each other and pretend you like one another. True love. Or as they say – TRUUUUUUEEEE LOOOOOOVE 🙂

  2. I immediately recognized the wedding shawl! I love this picture and always love to hear you and MB talk about your mom. You’re lucky girls.

  3. What a gorgeous photo. Having suffered a serious health issue with my mother last year, it’s absolutely wonderful that you recognize what a gift your mother is in your life.

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