Help, Please, and a Contest

I've started a little project, and I need your help, please.  I need to create a list of words that describe my blog.  I've got my own list of what I want it to be, both style and content-wise, but I need the help of my dear readers.  I'm not looking for an ego stroke, I promise!  Rather, if you would list one or two  words/phrases that come to mind, even if they are repeats of another comment, I would appreciate it so much.

To encourage your help, I'll randomly chose one name from the comments and make that person a potholder in the colors of her/his choice.  The name will be drawn on Friday at 9 a.m.!

Thanks so much!

9 thoughts on “Help, Please, and a Contest”

  1. Inspiring
    Thoughtful and thought provoking
    I know this last one is a little more than you asked for, but I wanted you to know that your blog inspires me to be a better, more thoughtful person. Thoughtful not only as it relates to thinking of others but especially thoughtful in how I choose to live my life and the value of what is important to me. Thanks!

  2. Top Banana In the Shock Department
    (it’s true! there’s something totally new and unexpected with each entry)
    I also agree with everything Claudia said —
    Inspiring and

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