Every now and again, I have a day when I decide not to turn on Rupert. Sure, it was a work day yesterday, and I was on my no-name work computer for a few hours, but I spent my after-work free time reading a non-work related book and making a tasty batch of tomato soup. As the evening progressed, I realized I needed to post.
"Aha!" I said. "I have George the iPhone. I shall post from my Typepad App." There is, after all, an app for that.
Post I did, and rather wittily, too. There were some clever bits about being an old fogey who can't type with her thumbs. There was a photo to represent my evening (reading, knitting, Olympics). There was a question about what you, dear reader, were doing with your Friday night.
When I turned Rupert on this morning (he likes to get turned on in the morning, why yes, he does), I saw, or rather did not see, my witty little post.
I'm not taking the blame on this one.
Two questions, then: what did you do with your Friday night? and/or what have you refused to take the blame for lately? Stay tuned for 20/28 later today.
OK this is gross, but I’m not taking the blame for the sty, secondary ear infection, strep throat, enlarged lymph nodes (potential mono) and massive fungal infection(apparently hiding from me for months) that was all diagnosed yesterday for my 16 year old son that just went in for a regular old routine exam..breathing…he said he felt fine so I went to the Iron Frog for happy hour last night. Boys are disgusting!!!!
That’s why I like my stupid phone. I never think it can do more than make/get calls and it never disappoints me. ;^)
Last night was knitting and watching BBC America tv. It’s that exciting all the time over here. I don’t know how I can stand it.
Friday night I petted my new Olympic Medals yarn, fixed dinner, ogled my pretty yarn, watched “Ratatouille” with Hubband, looked at my new yarn one last time, and went to bed. Thus, a very fine evening indeed!
I’m sorry…”he likes to get turned on in the morning, yes he does”… typical man… typical.
My Fri night was spent preparing some of my post for today since I figured I wouldn’t have the time I wanted to do it right. It might be cheating, but…it wasn’t. Nuh uh. Not really.
I never take the blame for missing chocolate. NEVER 🙂
Friday night my baby sister came up. We made a pizza and watched Miranda (strange film from 2002). I of course was knitting and trying to push through my current project.
By the way – I’ve used my iPhone (Manxy) to post to my blog as well. The text never gets lost but the photos always do 🙁 I’m not sure why.