Lent is Here 18/28

Last year I wrote a post about Lent and my experience with attending church.  As Lent approached this year, I thought long and hard about what discipline I wanted to embrace for 40 days.  I tossed ideas around with Neal, but none of them felt right.  It occurred to me on Monday that what I want to use this time for is to be me, only better.  A better Beverly.  Sounds like a plan, right?

Except, really, I need to consider what, exactly, I mean by that.  I mean, it's an on-going thing, attempting to be a better Beverly.  It's not a project to limit to 40 days.  

Then the real plan occurred to me.  

For my Lenten discipline I will examine my life without flinching from the icky bits, without prettying up the ugly parts, and I will draw up a specific plan of action to make the ick and the ugly less so. I'll take the lead of my girl Spring and write a manifesto, and then I will act on the manifesto.  

What would you put on YOUR manifesto?

8 thoughts on “Lent is Here 18/28”

  1. I think that my manifesto would probably have to do with finding more me time, being more patient, keeping myself from letting other people bother me, making more time for relaxation…Sigh. Yeah.

  2. i could see mine including some permutation of these five (at least) points.
    1) remember to eat regular meals.
    2) learn to be more patient.
    3) learn to let go and let others do things if they are capable (which they are because I taught them)
    4) spend more time with friends and family.
    5) allow more kitten kisses into my day.

  3. Not flinching from the icky bits must be the hardest part of any contemplative exercise – I’ve never been brave enough to try it.
    My manifesto would have to be a variation of “chop wood, carry water.” (Or is it “carry water, chop wood”?) I’ve never written one. Wouldn’t part of it (for me) have to be a combination of not flinching from icky bits and be here now?
    Interesting question.Hmmm.

  4. They work, manifestos. But especially when they have a flavor of something you really wanna do.
    Although, I can’t imagine what you can do to be more ambitious than you already are!
    I look forward to checking it out once you post! 😉

  5. To let my children go and trust that I’ve taught them everything I know to go forth in this world and be the wonderful individuals they are.

  6. Bev and “ick” just do not seem to fit in the same sentence! it seems that every year i attempt to give up tasty baked goods, thinking that it will be good to be disciplined, but then i found myself last year just reaching for hershey’s kisses instead… this is a problem!

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