This is the tail end of a roughly eight-minute speed painting performance by my very talented (if I do say so myself) nephew. Neal and I had a blast at his high school's talent show, and he was one of the biggest hits there. This kid leaves me tongue tied.
Okay, contestants, tell me what awesome thing is a kid in your life doing that amazes you?
Waaaahh…. I wanted more than 4 seconds!!! Kid in my life – discovering the world. That’s awesome enough for me. 🙂
I bet that was amazing! I’m constantly amazed by our son’s athleticism…amazing eye/hand coordination. When he makes a double play in baseball, I’m wowed every time. Our daughter amazes me with her sense of style and design…she’s dictated a few sweaters for me to knit and she’s always right on target with what looks right.
It would have been amazing to see more of your nephew! I am constantly amazed by my son’s ability to do amazingly cool origami stuff, from memory. Also, he is a whiz with nunchuckas and the bo-staff. He is planning on performing a bo-staff routine at his elementary school talent show in the spring. :^)
That was such a tease! I wanna see more!
Kids in my life? Do fake nephews count? Because their bravery and strength never fails to amaze me.
My nephew draws underwater images that look real. The squid and fish look real (he is 8 years old). I can’t draw a stick figure. Totally impresses me!