NaBloPoMo 1/28 and a Contest if You Read it All

Karen talked about doing this, so of course, I jumped on the bandwagon.  I'm not trying to squirm out of anything by selecting the shortest month of the year to post every day for a month.  Really, I'm not.  

The NaBloPoMo website offers a theme for each month, and February's theme is Ties.  Provocative, right? I'm going to see if I can connect my daily posts to the theme, and I have ideas for a few special days this month.  It's those regular, run-of-the-mill days that may present the real challenge.

As my long-time readers know, I started blogging in August, 2005, right after I returned to New Mexico for my second year of graduate school.  I was quickly hooked.  I enjoy interacting with other bloggers, and I love getting comments and developing friendships through the blog.  It isn't only the new relationships that keep me tied to blogging; it means so much to me to stay in touch with friends who live far away.  Sure, there are letters, e-mails, and phone calls, but there's something really fun about knowing that if I post a picture of a recent knit, a culinary adventure, or a new color in my hair, my posse will see it.  It's almost like I'm back in Albuquerque showing up at the Flying Star (oh, I want Red Stuff.  And a Buddha Bowl.  One of those ginger cookies, too) to show Scout (look! calendars are back!  Hurrah!) and Mona (soon as she gives the word, I'll have an exciting link for her) what I'm up to, or calling Dana five times in one day to tell her what I'm doing that. Very. Minute.

So, yeah.  Blogging.  It ties me to my peeps.  How about you?  If you blog, why is it important to you?  Don't have a blog?  Tell me how you stay connected.

The contest part?  How about this: I'll post some questions every day in February.  Whoever leaves the most comments (one per day maximum) during my NaBloPoMo project will win a glamorous prize, which I'll show you as soon as I figure it out!!

One last thing before I publish this.  I'm not getting all the comments in my e-mail box, so thank you to everyone who commented on the last post…and I'm sorry I haven't responded yet.  I'll get it figured out!

7 thoughts on “NaBloPoMo 1/28 and a Contest if You Read it All”

  1. Regarding comments: If it’s still happening, put in a Help Ticket and get the Support folks working on it. Whatever is going on may not be you.
    I love it when you blog. Seeing your blog pop up on my screen always makes me happy.
    Blogging? It’s brought me so many amazing friends and connections. Not only is there amazing support in those friendships, but, no matter what question I might have, I know I will get answer from someone who has been there or already done what I’m struggling with. That’s a huge help and a wonderful comfort.
    Plus I get to show off the knitting a little bit… when I’m knitting. ;^)

  2. Ya wanna move this one over to wordpress? I still haven’t gotten all my skype setup, but I just got one site out of my hair (literally, I launched 15 min ago). I have some time in about a week if you would like to, but we can start email & planning about it now.
    I dyed my hair green (washout I was too chicken otherwise) for most cross country & track meets in high school. I want purple these days.
    I think you are the one who caused me to DEVOUR My Antonia this weekend. Thank you. xx

  3. I blog as it lets me express myself about my knitting. My family is interested but not so interested in all my musings, successes, failures, questions, etc. as it relates to my passion for knitting. So my blog helps me and I get good feedback from those who are interested. I love blogging and am so glad to have met so many people through my blog.

  4. I just posted your contest on my blog. nuclearknits dot blogspot dot com.
    I love blogging because when I hit the publish button I feel like people can stay connected with me and I’ve done something with my day 🙂
    I love blogs and love love flying star (I’m up in Los Alamos – but I go to the one in Santa Fe). Have you tried the new valentines cookies?

  5. I don’t blog. I’m a blog-voyeur, I guess. But I’m very happy to see you’ll be posting something each day this month — gives me much to look forward to!

  6. sounds like a plan . . . by the way, love the green streaks (very jealous). and – and this is very, very old – I added the Frost quote as a tattoo on my 40th.

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