It's rainy today, which suits the eighth anniversary of the scariest day of my life. I will never forget being at the train station and seeing the smoke curl up into the air, an empty space where the Towers that used to glint pink in the sunset. I will never forget the smell of the air. I will never forget the pain of so many around me. I will never forget the fear. I will never forget the bravery. I will never forget the unification of so many. I will never forget the determination to not be afraid. I will never forget my pride in the United States of America.
Please do a kindness today in remembrance of those who lost their lives eight years ago.
A kindness. Yes. I am working at the Roadrunner Food Bank today (I do about 8 hours a week anyway); and I am thinking that doing a kindness, or fixing something broken, or healing something hurting are all better reactions to great horror and injury than are bunches of plastic flowers or teddy bears or prayer candles.
A kindness: made cookies for a care package….:) Malted chocolate chip and cowboys cookies
We never forget, no matter how many years pass. We lowered our flag and prayed for all those who died, none of them knowing that beautiful day would turn so horrific.
The sadness hasn’t eased at all, has it?