How nice when a friend from SnB becomes simply, a friend. That's the case with lovely Spring, who happens to be a fabulous photographer, too. Monday night she brought her camera instead of knitting, and I'm wowed by the results.
We've had a run of humid heat after a more temperate, if rainy, summer. Suddenly I feel like I'm moving through molasses, and the list of what I actually accomplish is much shorter than the one of what I want to accomplish. For once, though, I'm not going to beat myself up over it. Summer break should mean a more laid back attitude, and that's what I intend to have.
There is a little pressure on me, however. My mom is turning 70 in two weeks, and the Golden Swallowtail I began nearly a year ago will make the perfect gift. After a stop in at my LYS, I'm back on track. I missed a row, tried to make up for it in the successive rows, and finally had to admit that I needed to rip back. Oh, the hubris! I had no lifeline. Laura helped me to gently pull out the stitches and get everything back on the needle in an orderly way. I'm excited to finish and present my mom with something wonderful (just like she is) to celebrate.
How are you managing to stay cool as summer progresses? We've got fans, but no a/c. Today my plan is to visit a museum with my nephew. The car and the museum will both be air conditioned, which will help a lot! I'd love to hear your strategies, too.
P.S. There is a new writing prompt at Open Road Writing. Let me know if you find it useful!
Thank you, Bev. This is so sweet. Thank you also for all your support and encouragement. It means a lot to me.
Stay cool in this tropical rain forest that we are living in.
The heat? Well it all started when our black lab said he would not survive without the AC. He would run for our trucks to go for a ride just to beat the heat. So a few years ago we broke down and bought two ACs, one up and one down. He is in heaven along with us, I must say. At the very least it keeps the sticky out of the air and furnishings. And after doing the sheep chores it is a blessing to be able to slip into the cool of the house! Long live AC! Stay cool, Bev…I like your ideas for sure!
Beach, pool, sprinkler????
Close up the whole house the next time you get a little cool. It really keeps our house cool until around 3 pm.
Libraries, Coffee shops, a mom who keeps her house like a fridge year round !
Sleep all day, wrok all night.
Work in an operating room all day were the temp is kept between 61-67 degrees, enough to warrent wearing wool socks year round. The heat and the sun feels so good when I finally walk out that I am greatful for it.
i’m excited to meet Laura next week! i need some help getting started on The Springtime Bandit shawl, and was able to get in a lesson from her. it’ll be my first time at creative fibers. and as for staying cool? cold showers, tank tops, and white wine spritzers!
No heat around here. The high was a nice comfy 72 today. We only had one week so far that the temps got into the 90’s. I’ve yet to have a ripe tomato.