
The view from my desk is filled with flowers. Perhaps my yard looks like chaos from the road side, but from here, the yard has been transformed into a meadow of swaying flowers. Next year we plan to take a section of the meadow and move the kitchen garden there so the veggies can take advantage of the extra sun. My current kitchen garden will become an herb and cutting flower garden.

I have five thriving lavender plants, and I've been looking at things to do with the flowers.  I may have let the flowers go too far to make lavender wands, but surely I can dry the flowers and make sachets.  There's always lavender sugar, too, which may be nice with lemonade.  Any other ideas for my bountiful crop of lavender?

Progress is being made on the kitchen.  We picked up our dishwasher this week and made a final selection on lights.  I have a handful of paint swatches (my favorite part) to play with, too.  Last night Neal made great strides on the first cabinet.  I keep telling him that HE should be a teacher and get the summer off…what he couldn't do with three months straight to work on our little house!

I hope you have fun plans for the weekend.  Tomorrow I'm going to see The Tempest with friends and nephews and eat lots of yummy picnic food. Today, though, I'll hop on my bike to clear my head for some late morning novel writing.

2 thoughts on “Abundance”

  1. Lavendar salt. You need some really good large-grain salt (like some artesian something)to add lavendar to. I used to get lavendar salt from Eatwell Farms at the San Francisco farmer’s market. It was great for roasting new potatoes or for the bath water!

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