Snippity Snip


It was either this or a picture of Coco with a Q-tip hanging out of her mouth like a cigarette, a move my cat used to make all the time.  Just this week, the pup developed a penchant for Q-tips straight from the bathroom trash.  Funny how she was all trained not to be a garbage picker and now she is again.  Even funnier is how a tiny little dog can stick things that seem too big for her in her mouth to hide them.  Like big chunks of bark.  She sneaks them into the house, runs to a safe spot where the big dogs can't reach her and chews away.

So, the picture.  Taken with George, my iPhone.  I saw this tutorial about 15 minutes ago and decided to convert an Old Navy stretchy long-sleeved t-shirt into something more useful.  It's cozy, all right, and will be perfect over a tank top while I sip coffee in my pjs on these chilly (I'm NOT complaining) mornings.  A second benefit is this:  it can act as a mock up of a Featherweight Cardi, which I want to make.  I wasn't sure about the style, what with my slim back/large chest figure, but I think it may work.  I don't know.  I'll keep my new t-cardi on for a while and see how I like it.  I do know that I'm all about the sleeves stopping just above my elbows. 

I better go wash my dishes.  I've been avoiding it since I have to wash them in the tub.  Having sleeves above my elbows helps.  Don't you hate when you have long sleeves that you've pushed up and they roll back down just as you've plunged your arms into the pan of dishwater?  Won't be a problem today!

4 thoughts on “Snippity Snip”

  1. For some reason, that must have slipped by the blog-reader. What a great idea! I have several t-shirts that fit the bill (all from Old Navy), and I’m always looking for ways to cover up the new tattoo in the coming school months.

  2. i have a well worn tee i should modify in this way — so simple! i’m slowly making whisper even though i’m unsure it’ll work with me.

  3. Coco and Artemis would have tons to talk about. She digs the used Q-tips out of the trash and stashes them in between the wall and the carpeting or under area rugs.

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