Summer of Spinning Challenge

Dave put out the challenge to spin stash this summer, and I took it up. I haven't yet inventoried my fiber, but it shouldn't take me too long to do so once I'm off for the summer.

In the meantime, I've been spinning this delicious tussah I purchased from the lovely Nancy at Long Ridge Farm at the CT Sheep and Wool Festival a few weeks ago. It is dreamy. I only have 1/3 ounce, but I'm hoping to get enough to knit a little something wonderful.

6 thoughts on “Summer of Spinning Challenge”

  1. Is that a Bosworth spindle? I just bought a Bosworth Midi down in MD last weekend and spun up a cheapo little roving snake for practice. It was really lovely! And I got a woolee winder for the lendrum. So spinning is in order for me, too! Oh, yeah, and socks with Cookie. 🙂

  2. NICE. I finally got to spinning for about a half hour a few weeks ago. It felt wonderful. I can’t wait to see what you spin up this summer. Enabler. 😉

  3. beautiful. i knew i forgot to pick up something at maryland for my spinning summer.. plain tussah (i have a tussah merino blend on my bossie). i look forward to enjoying this with summer you and dave. 🙂

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