Teabird ever so kindly gave me the letter J for the ten favorite things meme:
Cranberry Juice and seltzer over loads of ice.
John Irving. Lordie how I love his books.
Jane Austen. After Shakespeare, she's one of my tops.
Jumpers. Sweaters, really, but it was a j word and it's not my usual letter, so I'm stretching already.
Jazz, especially the classic stuff like Miles and Coltrane.
Jutting peonies. You know, when they first stick their purple necks out of the ground to see if it's time yet? They're jutting.
Janet Burroway's Imaginative Writing. I love teaching creative writing with it.
Jars full of tomatoes from the summer. Oh, how lovely the smell when opened!
Junior's cheesecake. The best.
Jet planes. Going far away is fun.
Want your own letter? Leave a comment and ask.
I’ve always longed to taste Junior’s cheesecake.
The Hotel New Hampshire is my all-time favourite book.
…Jars of tomatoes in the summer! this reminds me to dedicate a post to my canning experiences! p.s. any chance of giving a lady a letter?