No Medal and an Anniversary that Isn’t

I think I have to face fact that I belong among the multitudes who don’t join timed kals because they are a kiss of death for me.  I have great intentions: I’m going to knit lace and socks all summer, and then come Olympics, I’m going to finish a sweater.  And some lace.  And probably have time to knit some socks. 

I almost knit a sleeve. 

That’s my entire Ravelympics achievement.  I’m okay with that, though, because my Lady of the Lake was shedding a tear or two of neglect, and as I’ve done every August for the last few years, I’m trying to finish up some WIPs to prepare for the lovelies I want to make for fall and winter.  With one sleeve nearly done (I think I can finish it today!), I’ll only have the second sleeve and the collar.  Maybe this will be my 2008 Rhinebeck sweater.

I had a nice e-mail from Rete today, in which she thanked me for her PIF gift.  I have one more PIF to make; I just need to decide what would best suit my giftee.

It was good to start the day with a happy e-mail, as well as feeling satisfied with a lovely Sunday.  Today is a strange day for me.  It used to be a hard day, but when I’m this happy, I can’t–I won’t– linger in grief.  Eighteen years ago this afternoon, I married the man I believed to be my soulmate, the one I thought I’d die with in my nineties.  We were born three days apart, and our minds sparked each others.  This anniversary isn’t as sad as it once was.  I’m remarried to a dear, true partner, and I’ve gotten closer to my own dreams instead of merely helping someone gain on his.  Rather than feel sad for what should have been, for the loss of growing old with the man I grew up with, I’ll think about how much we each grew together, the strength I gained in being alone, and how this has all added up to a life in which I can be more true to my own goals, can love without rejection, can work with satisfaction.  And I hope my ex, still in my heart, finds life better now, too.

To keep upbeat, I’m having lunch with a friend who made a big announcement by burying it in a funny story.  Go have a giggle and congratulate her!

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