Sixty-four (8×8 for those interested in numerology) bloggers posted in our Free Tibet Awareness campaign


I spent yesterday running to the computer to visit blogs and thank the participants.  I had tears in my eyes a lot of times.  The power of knit bloggers never ceases to amaze.

There were a few comments that I saw along the way in which folks expressed their thoughts that as the U.S. has so many atrocities to our name, who are we to criticize China (I’m paraphrasing).  Valid point.  My feeling is that with so much attention on China right now because of the Olympics, it’s a right time to raise awareness about Tibet.  The world is filled with things that need to be changed; I don’t think it is fruitless to seek awareness and cultivate our own attitudes of concern and action, whatever action we’re able and/or willing to take.

I was asked to cite the quote "None of us are free until ALL of us are free." This is a challenge as it has been attributed to numerous people.  I’ll go with Dr. Martin Luther King, but I’m ready to be corrected if someone has a more accurate answer.  By the way, when I did a search for that quote, blog after blog after blog came up with it.  Yay, bloggers!

Another commenter asked what to make with the yarn (btw, thanks to all who bought skeins of it!).  I suggested a shawl as I love to knit lace with sock weight yarn.  Pippi mentioned that she’d seen a group seeking knits for Tibetan nuns, and when we looked into it, we found out that the nuns’ vows require them to maintain a particular appearance, so anything knit for them should be burgundy or maroon.

Finally, before I reveal the winner of the gorgeous Free Tibet yarn, I want to share that in the 24-hour period after I posted about the contest, this blog had over 1,000 hits. 

People.  You see what you did?  You sent 999 others over here, and they read the words "Free Tibet."  Maybe they read all the words.  Some of them cried (I know, they told me so), some of them got angry (I read all the posts).  But all those people were made aware, even for a moment, of injustice in the world. 
I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of this community.

Okay, here it is.  The randomly generated number: 39:  Bee from Muntu Stitches

E-mail me at  b13armyATyahooDOTcom with your address, and as soon as the yarn is ready, it will be on its way to you!

My deepest thanks to all for participating.  You’re all fantastic!

9 thoughts on “64”

  1. I’m sorry I missed this but unfortunately we were dealing with Alex and his first and hopefully last broken arm. It looks like you done good girl!

  2. wow! 64 yeah, think of all the ones who did see and read the info! congrats to the winner! i was bummed when i did miss out on purchasing the yarn . maybe in a round 2 ??

  3. I suspect your total was actually 65 — I forgot to comment over here, and I got busy hacking in the background of my site last night. All the same, I wanted you to know that there was a +1 to the 8×8, because this is an issue dear to my heart.

  4. I’m totally blown away, yet again by this community!
    64! That way surpasses the 40 that I had hoped for!
    and the quote is Mihail Bakunin

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