I rarely, if ever, talk politics. I’m a vegetarian, but I also believe people should eat what they want. I feel the same way about pretty much everything in my life; I do what I feel is right, and I hope everyone else does what they think right, too. I’m not here to dictate that, and I chafe at being told what to think myself.
Sometimes, though, a message seems important enough to say something about to the world at large. The lovely Pippi, creator of wonderful fibers and amazing human-in-general, recently posted her new colorway, Free Tibet, with a reminder that on this eve of the Olympics, it is important to remember that Tibet has seen no improvement in its great need for freedom. She created the yarn as a prayer, emulating the Tibetan prayer flags that are traditionally hung to "promote peace, compassion, strength, and wisdom" (wikipedia, linked above).
You can order your own skein, to knit prayerfully, as I intend to do with mine, or, you can join our Free Tibet Awareness Contest. Pippi has generously donated a skein of this gorgeous yarn to be given to a blogger who participates.
Here’s the deal:
1. On 08/08/08, post on your blog "None of us are free until ALL of us are free" with a link back here, as well as a link to one of these informational sites: Students for a free Tibet or International Campaign for Tibet. If you know of another good informational site, feel free to link to that instead.
2. Leave a comment, letting us know that you are joining us on our quest for awareness.
Pippi said she’d love to see 40 blogs with "None of us are free until ALL of us are free" on them tomorrow. I think we can aim higher. 50? 75? 100? Prove me right, people, and leave your comment, and we’ll use the random number generator to choose a recipient for Pippi’s generous prize.
It seems like a great way to kick of the Ravelympics to me!
The first paragraph of your post reminds me of a HHDL quote, that now I can’t find!
Thanks for doing this! I would have never thought about a contest. doh!
One World
One Dream
I absolutely will post for this cause. I have many issues with the Chinese government that will prevent me from watching the Olympics that I don’t even know where to start. The lack of human rights extended by them is appalling.
I’m in.
I’m up!
Here’s mine:
as you wish!
It’s up. I love the idea of knitting prayerfully. I will be doing that.
I posted mine:
Of course I will post this on my blog! My heart bleeds whenever I hear or read of the situation in Tibet. God bless you for doing this!
Done. Thanks for helping remind us what’s important. http://www.stumblingoverchaos.com/?p=923
Here you go:
Here’s mine: http://iamthelizardqueen.wordpress.com/2008/08/08/8808/
What do you think would be a good project for the prayer flag yarn? I really love the look of it and the idea behind it, but I’m trying not to buy yarn if I don’t have a project in mind for it. Hmm.
I’m up: http://marvelg.blogspot.com
What a great way to spread awareness.
I’ll be posting about this on WiKnit (http://wiknit.blogspot.com) right away! Thank you for doing this. And I hope I can do my little part to spread the word.
I am here at http://thechickswithsticks.blogspot.com/
I posted on my blog as well… http://www.knottymouse.com/2008/08/08/remember/
I’m on my way to post this on my blog. Great idea – important issue.
On such an auspicious day, wouldn’t it be great if we could get it posted on 80 blogs?
I don’t have a blog, but I am with you in spirit. Thank you for raising awareness of this issue.
Great idea. I suppose the silver lining of the controversy of China hosting the games is that the world is airing China’s dirty laundry, and even my mom (bless her) knows a little more about the situation in Tibet. That’s got to count for something, right?
I was so inspired by your post, I cried! I already had planned on doing something Orange on my blog for the Color Orange Project… this goes right along with it! Your words are beautiful 🙂
I’m in.
Global awareness is kind of big thing around my house.
thar ya go!
Thank you for this. It may be small, but it makes me feel like I’m doing something.
Added to my blog. It was hard to watch the amazing display without thinking of Tibet.
I actually did a post on this yesterday too!
It is up. Thanks for doing this. http://www.adayinthelifeofdebbi.typepad.com
I posted it on my LJ.
I’m totally there.
My post is up as well. Great idea!
I’ve posted on my blog too: http://knitology.wordpress.com/2008/08/08/lets-get-ready-to-rumble/
I am also in. May the energy of peace and freedom prevail.
Check! http://www.spritewrites.net/?p=1064
Done, and I bought two skeins of the Free Tibet yarn from Pippi, as well 🙂
I posted. 🙂
You know I was just reading the paper this morning feeling slightly downtrodden and now I feel lighter. Thank you.
Done. Thanks for doing this! We all need reminders.
Thanks for the reminder!
I’m in!
I’ve got it up! Thanks to you and Pippi for doing this!
Hi, I made a post on my blog and I put the URL in the box so if you click on my name it shold go right to it! Expect another comment if I post this and find it doesn’t work 🙂
What a wonderful idea! I just emailed Pippi with how much her post and her yarn colors touched my heart today. I don’t have a blog, but I do have email, and I have a signature on that. I vow to post the quote, “None of us are free, until all of us are free,” as my signature for the duration of the 2008 Olympics (perhaps longer) on my email. A lot of people will see it. Thank you for such a great and worthy idea. Oh, P.S. As an English teacher, I would like to know who to cite as the author of the quote!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Oops just me again, my link didn’t show up.
I’m in!
I was wondering if someone was going to bring all of this up with the ceremonies starting today. Thanks for organizing.
What an important message. I’ve done as requested. Thanks!
Add my thanks to those already expressed–I love the colorway and am even more passionate about the sentiment inspiring it. I regret my “blog free” status most acutely right now!
I’m definitely in: http://ritesofpassage.wordpress.com/2008/08/08/none-of-us-are-free-until-all-of-us-are-free/
here’s my blog link:
I’ve posted the link — thanks for some great food for thought, and for a way to get folks thinking about this issue at this crucial time!
I would post your message if I had a blog.
Thank you! We will free Tibet one day!
My post is going up right now! xoxo j
I posted.. not watching the olympics might as well do something good with my time!!
So happy to see this! I linked to you and added bunches of info. As a side note it is a very beautiful colorway.http://turtleslakeknitting.blogspot.com/
What a great idea. I posted. http://no-blog-rachels-blog.blogspot.com.
Oh, I wish I’d been able to order some of the yarn. Regardless, I’ve posted here:
Good idea! This is cause I can surely get behind!
I posted mine..
Thanks for the chance to participate
I have posted on my blog, it is in portuguese. The hope for a free Tibet and for a better world is spoken in many languages.
Free Tibet=Tibete Livre http://tricotadeira.wordpress.com/2008/08/08/none-of-us-are-free-until-all-of-us-are-free/
I’m up too. Thanks for the reminder of what I sometimes forget.
Ah well, see what I get for not reading blogs for a few days? That yarn is beautiful! Found you from KMKat…
I don’t have a blog but I’m joining you in a quest for awareness. Thank you for this post!
Great idea…thanks for the links. It’s a step in the right direction.
Great idea…thanks for the links. It’s a step in the right direction.
I think tibet is the best place to travel.http://www.itourstibet.com seems to be helpful.