Sans Pictures, Links

I’m still working out how to download photos from my older camera, the one I took to Taos.  Usually I use the newer one, and I figured that out right quick last summer when I had to buy my new computer.  Until I get the photos here, though, I thought I’d entertain you with some randomness, beginning with my favorite purchase from my trip.  Well, it’s hard to say favorite as I scored some fabulousness.

I went with my writing class to the Taos Pueblo with the intention of buying a belt buckle.  There it was* in the second or third shop I visited.  I walked the entire Pueblo and debated the purchase the whole time, but not only was it the prettiest buckle I’ve ever seen, but it was Wings’ wife’s favorite because she felt it was the most balanced piece he’s made.  Lord knows, balance is welcome in my life.  She said he usually makes his Cactus Blossom designs with more stones (and these are my fave turquoise: Sleeping Beauty), but she thought this one had 19.  Then she counted and said, "No, it’s 13."  Well.  That is my super lucky number, the one I have tattooed on the back of my neck.  So before we left for the day, I stopped back and bought it.  I love it more and more each time I wear it. 

I had planned to get a belt from my NY source, but I couldn’t wait to wear the buckle.  I’m so impatient!  I hopped a ride to the Plaza and found a great, locally-made black leather belt at Letherwerks.  I may need to order a tan one, too, just so I can wear my buckle more!

As long as I was on the Plaza, I figured I had to stop at La Lana Wools.  I tried on the Streakers Shrug and figured it was prudent to buy the yarn for it while I was there.  We’re keeping the heat low, low, low this winter, so it’s sort of an investment in the environment and my warmth.  Really! 

In more current news, I’ve signed up for Ravelympics 2008.  I signed up for a ton of things I haven’t done this summer, but I’m only hurting myself, right?  Anyway, I’m participating in two WIP Wrestling Events.  I’m confident I can finish both, so stay tuned for progress reports!

How goes your week?

*Go to Galleries, then to Belts, Buckles, and Collectibles.  Then check out the eighth one, which says "sold" on it.

5 thoughts on “Sans Pictures, Links”

  1. I’m all for signing up for things. Not so good on following through…
    Buying the buckle without the belt reminds me of going to craft fairs in the 70s. Fun!

  2. Ohh, someday I shall attempt something from Interweave… I do so love their aesthetic.
    Also, Ravelympics 2008 sounds excellent. Is that via Ravelry? Must research further… 😀

  3. Dude – LOVE the belt buckle. Next time you get a jonesing for some Native American art you let me know. I know a “distributor” out here who’d probably give you a great deal. 😀

  4. What a gorgeous belt buckle!
    I didn’t sign up for the Ravelypics because that is the kiss of death for me. I never seem to get any KAL complete.

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