Farmer’s Market Bounty

Img_1323_2Take a look at this bounty!  Strawbs for jam making, garlic scapes (after seeing them on Norma’s blog last year, I had to try them!), tomatoes (hot house, but soon there will be field tomatoes), chevre and goat-gurt, and a mystery veggie that looked too good to leave behind.  The woman selling them said they’re sort of like radishes, and that I can eat them over salad or sauté them.  Anyone help me remember what they’re called?

The weather was too uncertain for me to take my Africabike to the new Simsbury Farmer’s Market.  I anticipate going back week after week, though, so I’ll have ample opportunity to ride her there.

If you’re local, this is a lovely little market with music, a fiber table, and way more yummy goodness than I brought home.

8 thoughts on “Farmer’s Market Bounty”

  1. I am in the area…kind of…it’s a reasonable drive and after seeing that picture and mention of a fiber table I can’t wait to go!! Thanks so much for posting about it.

  2. OK… a) if you are going to be across the street from my house you need to stop by….and
    b) I need to get my ass to that market. like, now.

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