I know, I know, it’s good for the garden. I had plans for biking this morning, though, and I won’t bike in the rain. No, I’m not all afraid I’m going to melt. It’s a safety thing, people.
I guess instead of biking, or even weeding (I don’t do that in the rain, either, because I fear I might melt), I’ll have to tackle something else. But what? What? Sure, there is reading to be done, but what I really want to do?
Start on February Lady.
Sit down for this one: I swatched in my yarn last night. This morning, in fulfillment of my promise to Laura, I washed the swatches. Now I’m all sorts of confused as the gauge changed (aha, that’s why the washing!!), and I don’t know which way is up in terms of my next move with needles. In any case, the 8s and 9s are giving me washed fabric that is 4 sts/inch instead of 4.5. I’m playing dumb here a little, but not entirely. I’m going to knit up a swatch on 7s next and see what happens. I’ll let you know!
ETA: I swatched on the 7s (which, btw, I did last night and ripped out as I got 5 sts/inch. Shoulda washed and blocked!), washed, blocked, and perfecto gauge! Wait until you see how pretty the red, red yarn is on my ebony needles.
I am so jealous of your rain. I hope you get to play in it for me.
Good luck with the swatching!
I was just thinking about making this! I’m afraid it’ll be too matronly on me owing to the waistless sweater/big boobs combination, so I’m waiting to see more FOs.