I passed my Comprehensive Exam!
For the MFA program at UNM, candidates write an essay about their craft. On the surface this seemed like it would be easier than my MA Comp Exam was; that one was more typical, with a series of essay questions based on the coursework I’d taken during the program. This exam, though, seemed cursed. First my move back east and the stress of working a whole lot more than I had been delayed my finalizing a draft of the essay by one semester. Then I faced a slow revision process, with the essay finally approved by my advisor in early June, too late for me to get credit for spring ’07 semester. After it was passed by two members of my committee, the third member took a bit of time to get to it; he’s a busy person; I certainly understand. His comments hit me hard, though, and I doubted my abilities as a writer. I cried as I have only cried over the loss of a loved one.
Tonight, though, I checked my e-mail as I got ready to go to bed, and there was a lovely congratulatory note. The attention that this professor gave to my essay truly improved it, although it was painful to have my writing critiqued when I was impatient to move on in my degree.
I’m so relieved. I told Neal yesterday how happy I’ve been, and how few worries I’ve had: my sister’s cancer, my dog running into the road, my comps. Those were my worries. Now there is one less on that list. I’m even happier than I was yesterday.
I might just take some pins out of that voodoo doll. Maybe.
Congratulations! I’m very happy for you!
I can’t say I’m surprised at all but I will say that I’m wicked proud of and happy for YOU!
Woo hoo!! Congratulations!
Woohooooo! Big huge congratulations! 😀
Congratulations on a well-deserved accomplishment! I’m *thrilled* for you!!
Congratulations! Well earned.
Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment, and I’m sure it’s such a weight off your shoulders. I hope you find some time to celebrate soon.
Congrats, my Bev!
Great news, I’m really happy for you!
Yay! Congrats!
Congratulations! My PhD comps are this spring, and I’m already scared to death!
congrats!! 🙂
WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s AWESOME! Go forth and celebrate!!!! I’m impressed.
Yay Bev! You Rock! I’m so glad you pushed through–it’s sooo hard to do that, especially after you finish. Many kudos. 🙂
Oh hooray!!! Congratulations sister. I mailed out the yarn today too!
Congratulations! Doesn’t it feel good (understatement!) to have the comps behind you? You should reward yourself with some nice yarn or spinning fiber.
Congratulations to you!!!!
This calls for Yarn buying. Don’t you think? Big congrats. Sorry about the worries.
what a relief- congratulations!!!!!
Woo! Congratulations, Bev! Yeah!