Want to See?

Img_0556 Since this picture was taken earlier in the week I’ve knit a bit more.  I’m halfway done with the 17th repeat (out of 24).  If all goes well, I should be finished with the center panel by next Tuesday.  I’m a little concerned about the border as I don’t fully understand what I’ll be doing (or even how many stitches to pick up with this modified length), but I know I can figure it out or find help.

Our wedding is less than a month away.  J. Crew came through for me again yesterday with wonderful in-store customer service when I had to return and exchange the dresses I bought.  I should have the garment that will be my actual wedding dress on Friday.  Here’s hoping for a good fit.  (I chose the ivory one, so you ladies who helped me narrow things down will know!)

Flowers have been ordered, and we’re making a final decision about whether to have brunch at home or at a restaurant.  Until today, we were going to have it here, but the decision is being re-thought.  Invitations were sent last week, and the responses are trickling in.  Our guest list for the May wedding (a bash for all of our friends is planned for July) is small, but I couldn’t resist sending a nice invitation anyway.  Want to see that, too?


20 thoughts on “Want to See?”

  1. Loverly shawl and invitation! I certainly hope after the big day you will post a beautiful photo of your in your dress with shawl and flowers!!

  2. Bev those invites are absolutely smashing! (the shawl is lovely too…lol…) I went & checked out Blue Tulip and I’m so glad I did. Thanks for sharing those with us. My wedding will probably be years off (considering I’m missing a key part of that equation), but now I know I want green swirl invites with dragonflies on them…

  3. Your shawl is even gorgeous pre-blocking! If you have questions about the edging then maybe you could email Eunny. I know she’s really busy with her new job, and the Seasocks cruise, but maybe you can catch her in a down time. I’m excited for you!

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