
Img_0547 I’m going to learn a lot from this project.  It has been many years since I knit from a chart, and I had forgotten that the pattern said to read from right to left.  You already know what I’m going to say next; I had to tink the first few rows because I read left to right. 

Yesterday morning I woke up and wanted to get this repeat finished, so I started on Row 5.  It wasn’t working out, though, so I tinked.

Normally I would ditch a project that required so much tinking before I even began it for real, but there’s that pesky deadline and my determination to create this stole.  I’ve set some rules for myself, the foremost of which is that I have to focus my thoughts on joy and happiness while I knit it.  I want my shoulders to be covered in something with no bad karma knit into it.  So each time I tink, I think about what I’ve learned. 

I also had used stitch markers (aren’t they lovely?  FiberFly makes them.), but after reading some of the boards, I think I’m going to ditch them.  I don’t quite understand the reasoning behind why they’re a bad idea, but I know that I’ve been led astray by them.  Something to do with yarnovers and stitches moving, but it makes my head hurt to think about the reason right now.

Can you see the subtle variegation in the color of the yarn?  Scout did a fantastic job with this dye job, and I’m not exaggerating in the least when I say it’s exactly what I wanted.  Ex.Act.Ly.

There’s about an hour before the girls get their walk, so I’m off to get a few rows of repeat 2 done.  First, though?  A lifeline.  This Tinkerbell needs one.

10 thoughts on “Tinkerbell”

  1. What a beautiful shot! Makes me want to learn how to knit.
    (Wait, I CAN knit. Oh! Lucky me!)
    This is going to be an heirloom with a capital H. Don’t give up!

  2. It is starting out really pretty. I have always used stitch markers with my lace and never had any problems. It is all in how you make of it.

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