Notes to Self

1.  That smug feeling you get when you figure out the crochet cast on tempts the fates too much.  Lose it, and you won’t have to start over again next time.  Because you will think about more than how very clever you are and remember that you don’t need to zip out the waste yarn until you’re ready to pick up the stitches.

2.  While denial of your errors is easily succumbed to, especially when you can surf the Internet for new spindles that you don’t even need, there is a freaking DEADLINE here!  Turn off the damn computer and go knit.  Now.

Um.  Yeah.  The journey of a thousand miles and all that jazz.

3 thoughts on “Notes to Self”

  1. There’s othing quite like a deadline, at first it’s far off and will only motivate you so far, then it’s looming and nothing else matters.

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