She came with a note and her very own matching bag.
She and my engagement ring got better acquainted.
I gazed on her in delight. Why, yes, Scout, yes, I do love her! A million thanks for making the yarn of my dreams a reality! I cast on tonight. XX
Love it!
Pretty yarn. I can’t wait to see the finsihsed product.
Scout did a great job! I can’t wait to see the wedding shawl in it’s final form!
I’m so relieved. I can’t wait to see what you do with it!
Hee!!!! I can’t wait to see it all knitted up in its wedding glory!
The yarn. The ring. You… all glorious. Congratulations! I’ll send down a wedding cake in the mail (without the toothache, of course!).
Oh that is sooo pretty. I’ll be watching for a gorgeous shawl. Oh this is fun!
LOVE IT! I can’t wait to see it all knit up–you are going to be the loveliest bride EVER.