Scout Rocks Meme

Whether you know her in real life or via Blogland, I hope you’ll make her birthday more festive and participate in my new meme.

List three ways Scout rocks, then go wish her a happy birthday and tell her to visit your blog.  Let’s fill her day with love!

1.  Scout rocks because she has one of the most infectious laughs I’ve ever heard.  You know she means it when you hear that laugh.

2.  Scout rocks because even though she may have thrown out all of her materials, she’s still a fantastic teacher.  Who taught me how to warp a board?  Who taught me how to dye yarn?  Who taught me how to knit English (thereby getting gauge)?  Who taught me how to use html?  Who taught me how to use the wireless feature on Phineas the laptop computer?  Scout, that’s who!

3.  Scout rocks because she has a heart bigger than the Grand Canyon.  Her generosity continues to impress me.  She gives of her time, and she gives of her heart.  There are few bloggers who are more committed to promoting other Indy businesses than Scout is.

Happy Birthday, dear friend!  Love you and miss you tons.  XX

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