If I Only Get One Thing Right

About this wedding, besides the groom, of course, it’s going to be to create the most beautiful lace stole I can.  Time and skill level prevented me from achieving my original dream of spinning my own yarn and creating my own design, but I think that was a fortunate thing.  Look what Scout has made me.  I can’t tell you what it means to me to know that I will knit this beautiful pattern with the yarn of my dreams, made for me by my dear friend, and I will wear it on my wedding day. 

Thank you, chica!

7 thoughts on “If I Only Get One Thing Right”

  1. Oh I hope you just love it as much once it’s in your hands!
    It was really my pleasure. Even if it caused some anxiety. I will be there in a way, on the special day. You know?

  2. The yarn is beautiful, and I love that stole pattern.
    I was married last October (in South Lake Tahoe at sunset, overlooking the lake) and I knit the shawl I wore, and it was just perfect.
    Now, whenever I wear the shawl I get to be reminded of one of the most perfect days of my life. I wish that kind of memory for you…

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