
How lame is it when you don’t even want to do the things that usually work well for procrastination?  I don’t really feel like working on any of my writing projects, and usually I clean house when that happens.  Something about the smell of Murphy’s Oil and the look of tidy tables and counters makes it easier for me to return to the writing with more zest.  It’s noon already, and I’ve only managed some half-hearted picking up. 

Maybe I’m just in an "meh" state of mind.  Last night at the Tobacco Valley SnB group, I couldn’t concentrate on anything.  I knit a little on Neal’s sock, then spun a bit, then worked on Bejeweled.  Nothing was rocking my world.  Is it because I’ve got Granny on the brain?  I spent a lot of energy being diligent about finishing UFOs last year, so I’m trying not to start too many new projects, but I may just have to admit to myself that, at least in this part of my life, I don’t like monogamy.  Is this what everyone means when they talk about lost knitting mojo?

Thanks for the good wishes on being observed.  My students were fantastic; they were chatty and smart, which made everything much easier.  I still have to have the follow-up meeting with the department chair, but it’s a relief to have it done for another semester.

Anyone else suffering from a wee ennui?  How are you shaking it?

3 thoughts on “Procrastination”

  1. I have this problem too…it is my spring yarn fever…the problem it that all of the new colours are coming out and I love bright colours so I am starting a million projects! I am a project ho right now..just swingin from one to another!

  2. Just knit and craft what you want, and don’t be to concerned about switching up projects. Maybe try a craft you’ve always wanted to try but just haven’t tried it yet.

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