
Img_1287 About the time I’d been in New Mexico for a year, green became my favorite color.  I love my pinks; they remind me of my Gram.  Green, though, speaks to me of fresh starts, of potential, of anticipation.  Since my lesson at the TVSnB last Thursday, I’ve used my spindle every day with this "bunny bundle" (angora/wool blend) purchased at Village Wools last spring.  My Bossie and I are becoming fast friends…she spins like a dream –on and on and on.  The lessons I’ve had at the hands of a variety of spinners are finally coming together in my head and translating to a yarn I can be proud of.

Img_1289 Lest I ignore Project Spectrum in my zeal for green, here is my Calorimetry.  I finished it in early February, before my epic cold, and I can’t quite remember the details.  I used Malabrigo, size 7 needles, and 88 stitches per Shiny Red Type.  I loved knitting this–quick and fun–but I don’t love how it looks on me and my wonky little head, so I think I’ll make a matching pair of Fetching and call the set a Christmas gift.

Among the many urges I feel during Spring is the urge to purge.  I went through my purses and found a couple I don’t use.  I also admitted to myself, painful as it was, that I don’t use my Kate Spade pocket organizer.  I adore how it looks, but I’ve been hooked on Moleskin for the last two years.  So I’m going to offer a few things for sale…if the organizer doesn’t find a new home, I’ll take it as a sign that I should start using it.  Want a peek?  I don’t have the 2007 inserts for it, but there are lots of To Do and Project sheets, along with the tabs for the address section.  First $115 + shipping takes it, or make an offer! 

Img_1297 Here’s the Ralph Lauren red leather purse.  This is in like new condition, and the first $25 or best offer (+ shipping) takes it home.

7 thoughts on “Spring!”

  1. Wow, I’d like to take you up on the purse but you know I’m saving my money for JAPAN! I feel the same way about green + New Mexico…

  2. Oooooh! That is a delicious green! It’s funny, but since the beginning of the year, I can’t get enough of green. I want to wear green, eat green, be green!
    And just yesterday I copied the Calorimetry pattern to my desktop and made mental plans to knit one for myself, even though it’s spring now. I have this crazy auto-immune disorder that sometimes makes my hair flal out in crop circles, and I need to come up with something nice to cover the latest hole. I wonder if it would work well in mercerized cotton? I lvoe the way it looks, but I wonder if it will look good on me—I also have a wonky head. Worth a try, anyway.

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