First Meeting: Fun!

Last night’s Tobacco Valley SnB was a lot of fun.  We had six people there, and Jenny taught her husband and her friend Aaron to knit while Sara unraveled the ill-fitting sweater (I think it’s for the best; I want her to avoid the boyfriend curse at all costs) and Kristen worked on a top-down sock.  I represented for toe-up socks and made some good progress on Neal’s 2005 Christmas socks.  I’m trying to fly through this second one so I can start on Badcaul for MB’s socks, which will be my project while I wait to start my wedding shawl.  What am I waiting on?  Scout is dyeing yarn for me so I can have a shawl that reminds me of this.  Just in case I don’t manage to spin 1,000 yards of yarn in the next week or so.

At the end of the evening, Sara and I pulled out our beloved Bossies and had a lesson from Jenny on getting a finer yarn.  I have been fairly satisfied with my heavier weight yarns, but I’m craving more consistency as well as the ability to develop my skills to spin the yarn I imagine.

It was an exciting night at home, too, with the NCAA Tournament beginning.  Since my beloved Huskies aren’t at the dance this year, I’m getting behind Ohio State to take it all home.  My dad was born and raised in Ohio, and I have lots of fond memories of summer trips there.  Plus, I like this kid’s playing.

The northeast is due for more snow, just when I was rejoicing in the grass and easy walking.  I’m back east now, and I need to accept that I will not be able to start working on my ravishing tan any time before June.  I’d be a little brown baby already if I still lived in Albuquerque.  Ok, so maybe I’m too pale to ever be brown, but I’d at least not be blindingly pale. 

I’m off to run my errands before this storm hits.  Best to be prepared for a cozy day of writing, reading, knitting, and spinning, right?

ETA: Check out this Alpaca Web Cam from Hunter Hill Alpacas.  I know what I’ll be watching all day!

2 thoughts on “First Meeting: Fun!”

  1. Beautiful colors for the shawl! I am planning a wedding using many of those same colors. I am not ambitious enough to do a shawl for myself though!

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