I Found My Dress

Jennifer Love Hewitt is wearing it in the new Hane’s ad campaign.  I’m hoping that a little bit of detective work (mainly an e-mail to Hane’s customer service) might garner some solid information.  Here’s hoping it’s affordable!

I made another wedding decision today.  I don’t want to take the time right now to design my wedding shawl; the design I have in mind will have to wait until my skills catch up a little.  Instead, I’m going to knit Eunny’s Print of the Wave Stole.  Now to decide on a back up yarn in case my handspun doesn’t swatch well.

Thanks for the sock pattern suggestions.  Right now I’m leaning toward Badacaul, although I’m worried it may be too narrow for my sister’s foot.  I’ve still got a bit to go on Neal’s sock, so I have a little time to make up my mind.

8 thoughts on “I Found My Dress”

  1. haven’t tried it, but there’s a site called “like.com” that’s supposed to id shopping info for what celebrities are wearing…maybe?
    Take care,

  2. The shawl sounds nice. I have been wanting to knit the Sarcelle pattern as my first lace project. The white and floral dresses are both lovely and they would both show off your nice bosom 🙂

  3. Ooh, I love the Print o’ the Wave stole. I’ve been thinking about making that for my mom. Good luck with the J Lo Hew dress–if you can’t borrow it, could you have a dress made that approximated the look, now that you know exactly what you want?

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