
Img_1284 Earlier in the week I received my final package for the Spin to Knit swap.  Ingrid sent me a beautiful skein of lace-weight yarn made on her spindle, a pattern, adorable needle protectors, a card made from her own paper, and the loveliest smelling soap.  I really enjoyed her package and am so impressed with her talent.

Speaking of talent, have you seen that the Spring Knitty is up?  Go take a look, then tell me what you’re dying to make.  I love Kirsten’s Tahoe, Romi’s Bauble, and there is no other word for how I feel about Clessidra than crush.  These socks are going in my pattern queue.

Img_1285 Remember that dreamy spinning I mentioned a while ago?  Here’s the finished skein, now on its way to Hamburg.  I felt good about this yarn, in part because I felt like I understood double plying better than I had before.  Zinnia gave me some flack while I plyed on her, but in the end, we worked it out, and I made what I think is my best yarn to date.  Margene’s studious ways with her spinning have inspired me to approach my own more mindfully.

Thus concludes my 200th post on this blog. 

6 thoughts on “200!”

  1. I’m avoiding the new Knitty for a few days. I’m already having dreams about what I want to knit next. I’ve got too many things that have to be first on the list. I’ll break down soon and check it out.

  2. Spinning has made me more mindful of the process than even knitting. It’s always interesting to work with something new and see what comes from it. Nice work, your skein is lovely!

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