Going to the Chapel

Right about now my cousin Lisa is getting married here.  She and her new husband, Richard, have four dogs between them, and they wanted Lightning, Smokey, Cookie, and Charlie there along with Lisa’s three kids and both sets of parents.  Like me and Neal, they are opting for a big party in July as a follow up to a smaller ceremony.  Maddie and Tilly are not invited to our wedding, though, as they hate being in the car, and Topsmead is about an hour from home.  I don’t think they’ll feel left out.

Tonight Neal and I are going to look at invitations for our May ceremony.  I’ve got a fabu letterpress picked out for the July invitations, and I debated just hand writing notes for the May invites.  I’m afraid that I would get cranky hand writing 25 invitations…I’m hooked on typing and don’t have very pretty cursive.  Here’s hoping we find something we like; I’ve picked a few out online, but want to see some in person before I compare prices and commit to anything. 

Thanks, by the way, for all the good health and birthday wishes.  I have a pretty wimpy constitution, but this "cold" hit me harder than most do.  I hope none of you are experiencing the same thing.  You can’t get that kind of virus from the computer, right? 

4 thoughts on “Going to the Chapel”

  1. I think a lot of people have been hit very hard by this “cold” season. I have been taking vitamins and snacking on Vitamin Cs in an attempt not to get it as it doesn’t look fun. Knocking on wood!

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