Does It Count?

If you’re too sick to celebrate, does your birthday still count?  I’m not trying to get out of an extra year–I love every year more than the one before.  But, golly, gee whiz.  Neal had big plans to take me on a fun-filled day out.  Instead, I’m on day two of full bed rest.  Seriously.  Yesterday I cancelled classes for the first time in the seven years I’ve been a teacher.  I couldn’t even stand up for more than a few minutes.  I’m a bit better today, but just a bit.  Not well enough to knit, though.  Are you welling a tear for me yet?

I guess the upside is an extension of birthday festivities, right?  And.  I know there’s a Whoopie Pie waiting for me for dessert in the fridge.

20 thoughts on “Does It Count?”

  1. Happy (to be extended) Birthday!! Take good care and feel better.
    And in answer to your question, No. I have a cousin who had her 35th birthday while in a coma in ICU. To this day, she claims to be a year younger than she is, because that year didn’t count! (Even though they had a *MAJOR* celebration for her b-day after she got out of the hospital….hmm)

  2. Happy Birthday, and I hope you’re feeling better! I had mine this past weekend, but I think that birthday’s are better celebrated for an entire week, not just a day! And Whoopie Pie? Sounds wicked!

  3. I must ask you. Is it twice the work to have two dogs? I imagine that once you have one dog, provided they can go on the same walks etc it isn’t too much to take on just one more. My dog died last year, his great nephews 2 border collie pups of 6mths are up for adoption and I am so tempted to take both of them.

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