Happy Birthday, Maddie!

Img_1265_1 Maddie turns three today.  I can’t believe she’s been in my life for nearly that long.  It may sound silly to non-pet people, but she really has made my life so much better.

There’s another birthday girl in the house this week.  I plan to catch up on all my chores before Friday so I can enjoy it fully!

10 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Maddie!”

  1. Oh no, you don’t sound silly. I loved my dog as one of my best friends, everything about him made my life better. He was a border collie, I got him when I was 25 and sadly, lost him last year although I had almost 18 yrs with him.
    In time I will get another dog. do treasure your furry friend and don’t feel silly about feeling overwhelmed with love for the balance and harmony they bring. Happy Birthday and may she lead a long and happy life like my old dog.

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