Check One Off the To-Do List

On one of the warmest January days I’ve ever experienced in the Northeast, Neal and I found the location for our wedding ceremony.  The grounds are just perfect, and we’ll be able to invite more than the seven people we would have been limited to at Smith College.  We’ll be married next to a stand of old lilac trees, one of my favorites. 

Now to decide on a restaurant for a post-ceremony brunch.  Next: plan the summer party celebration.

13 thoughts on “Check One Off the To-Do List”

  1. Congratulations on finding a great spot! Lilacs are lovely and should you pick a lavender colored (I think that you would look fabulous in lavender)dress then you’ll be color coordinated with your background. I made an Organized Elf button. I don’t know if this will work or if it’s too big, etc. I’ll send you a link to its location. Cheers.

  2. It looks like a lovely spot. Do you remmeber Julia Robert’s character’s wedding colors in Steel Magnolias? Blush and bashful(pink and pink). My cousin wore a wedding dress last summer in the color blush(a very soft pink). I admit I teased her about the Steel Magnolias thing but she looked lovely in the color and her bridesmaids wore chocolate brown-they all looked fantastic!

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