Looking for a Cool Gift?

I saw one of her pendents on Turkey Feathers and thought "A-ha!  What a great Christmas gift idea."  I e-mailed Tabetha, and she’s in the process of making ornaments from my photos for two people on my gift list (shhh, it’s a secret).  After the holidays, I plan to ask her to make my banner into a pendent so I can wear PoMo Golightly sorta like Carrie Bradshaw used to wear her name in script on a necklace.  Ok, maybe not so much, but in my world, I’ll be just like Carrie.  Because in my world, Carrie and I are bff.  And the show’s not over.  And the girls are real people, too.  And I have the cutest NYC apartment you ever saw.

So, yeah, Tabetha is running a special and will create a pendent for you for $20 + shipping.  Act fast and she can probably get it to you for holiday giving.

Speaking of holiday gifts, tell me what you think of this idea.  Blogless Sara and I have been getting together on the occasional Saturday for Christmas Crafting, and we often bemoan the fact that we’d like to give all handmade gifts, but don’t start early enough in the year.  While there are other holiday knit-alongs ready to happen come January (and I’m joining them!), here’s my twist on it:  I want to create a blog where I’ll feature a craft that I plan to make during each month, along with links and/or directions.  I’m thinking about hand made calendars and sewing kits and hand mitts and purses, and I know there is more that I’ll think up in the next few weeks.  Really, what I envision is a place to be an organized elf, to produce multiples of fabulous hand crafted gifts, perhaps even striking up some gift swaps so that we all have more variety in our gift baskets.  Actually on today’s walk with the mutts, I was thrilled to come up with the phrase "The Organized Elf," which is what I’ll call the blog.

Any takers? 

14 thoughts on “Looking for a Cool Gift?”

  1. Girlie! I am so excited about making these for you and can I say I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE your blog! Now tell me what were up to so I can make it- sounds awesome! I know we are all 3 bff… Bc I watch reruns EVERY night!lol 😉 Thanks again!

  2. I love your idea! I have always wanted to have like a gift closet where I keep random gifts for people so that at a moments notice I could just pull one from it and it would be ready. This might be a step in the right direction.

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