Feeling Ill

This weekend Neal fixed up "my" closet in the office.  I bought a couple of bins for fiber and yesterday was happy to fill them.  One of the two fiber-only boxes had a big tear in it, though.  And now I’m panicky that I may have packed all of my needles in THAT box, and that they managed to slip through the tear somewhere in transit.  I must have $500 worth of needles (I’ve been knitting since ’98, and only recently have I realized that I don’t need to buy needles everytime I start a project…), and I can’t find them.  I still have three large boxes to unpack, and all of the book boxes (shh…don’t tell the post office; I stuffed some fiber in one of the media-rate boxes.  There’s lots of media in the box, just a bit of fiber padding).  Please send good needles-are-in-the-unpacked-boxes thoughts to me.  Otherwise look for me in bed.  Feeling sick about this.  Also lost:  the cone of Kona sock yarn purchased just before the move.  Here’s hoping it’s in one of those boxes, too.

So I don’t end on a sad note, go look at what Scout’s been doing.  Other good news.  The sun is out for the first time in days.  Oh, New Mexico sky, how blue you are!!

5 thoughts on “Feeling Ill”

  1. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts! Your needles and kona WILL show up. They’re just waiting for you to unpack your other treasures first.

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