My Dye-O-Rama swap partner was none other than Heide, who won a contest for naming the stuffed beaver I received from Sooz "Purl." She put together a heck of a package for me, including 500 yards of this lovely blue and brown 2-ply Kona 100% Merino Superwash. Also in the package
were a Dagoba chai chocolate bar and a packet of crystallized ginger (love me some ginger!), a box of fruit sampler tea, lovely stitch markers, a box of green apple candles, a sample of lavender Euclalan (my yarn smells fabu, by the way!), and a bar of apple dumpling soap made in Washington. Thank you so much, Heide! The yarn is delish, and I can’t wait to knit with it!
There’s other goodness to show you, too. Before I moved I won a contest over at JessaLu’s, and look what was also waiting when I arrived on Friday. Not only did she send me a skein of beautiful hand-dyed sock yarn, but she also sent reflexology gloves and bath salts. Ahhh…I’ll have a relaxing night soon!
And last, but as they say, not least, is the skein of "Bev’s Nouveau Army" that my girly Carole dyed for me as a going away gift. I adore this yarn. I adore her so much, I was unable to put her in a box to be shipped. She took the 3,500 mile journey in my knitting bag, right where I could see her.
MWAH to each of you generous ladies.
In my Dye-O-Rama news, the yarn I ordered arrived just before the move, and yesterday I ordered some Landscape dyes. The ones I used at Mona’s gave such great results that I picked out five to try a monochromatic variegated scheme for my pal. They’re being shipped Priority Mail, which means I should be able to dye over the weekend. Yeah!
So, I now have two local yarn stores. One, Marji’s Yarn Crafts, is just down the road. I mean, if I tuned up my bike (which I will. I want to be a good environmentalist and save gas when I can), I’d be able to hop on it and pedal over there in a jiffy. Marji has expanded her store since the first time I was there, and it is pretty pleasant. The other is Creative Fibers, about a 20 minute drive away. Debbie Bliss will be there on June 14, which I’m pretty excited about. This is a much larger shop than Marji’s, with a bigger class selection. Of course, there are plenty of other yarn stores nearby, but these are the two closest to me. Webs in Northampton is a quick jaunt away, and I’ll have to get my girlies here to take a trip there with me sometime.
Ok, time for me to get back to putting the house in order. Once everything is settled I’ll do Scout’s knitting spot meme again. And, hey, have you taken a look at Barry’s adventures? If you don’t know who Barry is, go look. He’s adorable.
Tomorrow: My Threaded Bliss Yarns loot!
Welcome to the East Coast!
Let me know when you want to go to Webs… ;o)
Love the yarn! Dagoba makes the best hot chocolate.
What a lucky girl you are with all of that yarn p*rn!
ohhh, that makes me happy!! I can’t wait to see the future knitting!
we miss you!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful dye-o-rama yarn! I really want to get in on the next round…do you know how I can?
Yowza, that is some gorgeous yarn!