Where in the World?

Just a quick note to let you know that I’m safe and sound in TN.  I’ve fallen in love with South Dakota (I promise pictures once I’m settled in CT)–there’s some mighty cool stuff there!  I have a entire day in TN with my sister, including a visit to Threaded Bliss Yarns tomorrow.  If only my SnB girlies were gonna be with me.  I miss you already! More to come over the weekend. 

6 thoughts on “Where in the World?”

  1. Wooo hoo!! Nashvegas! Have fun at Threaded Bliss, it’s only the best yarn shop ever! It makes me love living in Nashville.

  2. Bev!
    So great to hear of you! What a journey — Albuquerque to South Dakota to Tennessee! We miss you already.
    Oh and I already broke one of the glasses I purchased at your moving sale. It contained a vodkarita (essentially a margarita made with vodka) at the time, so it was a doubly sad moment — bye bye vodka, bye bye Bev’s glass . . . but the rest are surviving! =)

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